Thursday, October 27, 2022

Eight Values of Free Expression

Eight Values of Free Expression 

    Whether it be what we wear, what we say, or even what we post on social media, we are constantly expressing ourselves through speech. The freedoms given to us from the First Amendment also consists of eight values of free expression. These eight values are individualized to provide their own protections, but work in conjunction with each other to create an environment of free speech and expression to every citizen. The eight values consist of marketplace of ideas, participation in self- government, stable change, individual self-fulfillment, check on governmental power, promote tolerance, promote innovation, and protect dissent. 

Marketplace of Ideas is the first value, also known as the Discovery of Truth, and this value ensures that the people can receive all information: true or false, because the truth will always win out.

Participation in Self-Government is the second value and it encourages election candidates to communicate, for example in debates; then voters can make wise decisions during election time and understand the candidates stances on important information. 

Stable Change is the third value and known as "Safety Valve", this value recognizes that citizens who are allowed to vent or speak their minds on issues are more less likely to resort to violence; so this value promotes freedom of speech.

Individual Self-Fulfillment is the fourth value that furthers free speech in a way that enables individuals to express themselves freely and create their own identity. 

Check on Governmental Power is the fifth value that is part of the checks and balance system in order to keep the government from abusing power. 

Promote tolerance is the sixth value and it teaches us to become a more tolerant society because all types of speech, including hate speech, are protected by the government which then allows us to spread norms on what is acceptable and what is not acceptable. 

Promote Innovation is the seventh value and this value protects and promotes a community in which the people can actively fulfill themselves in a unique way to create an interesting society. 

Protect Dissent is the eighth value that protects minority views and protects your right to disagree with the government even if it is unpopular. 

After reflecting on all of these values, I realize how they are so important in their own ways. Promote Innovation resonated most with me because I am a university student and love a unique environment with a diverse community full of people with different backgrounds and interests/ hobbies. I do, however, feel that Check on Governmental Power is the most important value because is a necessary duty that we, as citizens, have to play a part in, in order to prevent abuse of power. Marketplace of Ideas feels most personal to me because when I make judgements or opinions on things, I like to know as much information as possible and then be able to research and sift out the false information to have an educated opinion on whatever it may be. We see a lot of these values shift importance throughout the decades, and prove that each play a vital role so that we get to live in a government that grants us free speech. Freedom of speech can be most important during elections and Participation in Self- Government is one value that I see most in action today. With Election Day coming up, there have been many campaigns throughout all types of social media including Hulu and YouTube advertisements. These campaigns are very important to provide voters with information and helps voters understand candidates stances on political issues. If more information on these values and the importance of free expression, read ACLU article on Freedom of Expression

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