Friday, December 2, 2022

Privacy, Online & Off

Privacy, Online & Off

Anyone can be a potential victim of privacy invasion and with the constant technological advancments, there is more information to be gathered on you than ever before. After watching multiple TED talks spotlighting the different sources that can track valuable information that may be obtained by the government, I am more understanding of the civil liberty concerns that we are facing. 

What Information is Obtained?

Facial recognition sparks a threat on personal privacy and your face can be pulled from social media, and even security cameras. A website,, has acquired 18 billion faces across API and Facebook and this website was sold to Facebook in 2012. Location from your phones can be tracked to determine your daily activities like where you shop, if you go to church or not, and even how often you get gas. License plate readers can be used to see where you are going, and who you are with. 

Where Do We Draw the Tine?

For those who are innocent and have no reason to be tracked by the government, simply have no reason to be tracked by the government. Telephone tracking is common and some government officials believe emails, texts, and phone calls should be available to the government. High tech surveillance gear is used to gather information on us and just because you don't see, doesn't mean it's not there. 

How Can This Affect People?

It is common knowledge that people don't appreciate privacy invasion even if we have nothing to hide. Knowing my phone calls, as well as my families, can be tracked and listened to makes me wonder how much information may be known about me and my personal life. Cyber harassment including threats, stalks, hacking, and identity theft can happen to anyone. 

How to Protect Ourselves From Privacy Invasions?

It is important to ensure your privacy so that you may never have to experience any type of cyber harassment. Although we enjoy using social media to post our daily Starbucks coffee or pictures of pets, limiting what you put online can be one step closer to internet safety. Any and all information online can be used for a cyber threat in one way or the other.

Is Our Privacy Protected?

We are protected against unreasonable searches, and we hold privacy rights for our information to not be tracked or sold, unless it is accepted to be by the user. When we agree to terms & conditions we can give the device, website, or app permission to track us without even realizing. The government plays a role in this, although they don't seem to do enough to ensure privacy.

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