Thursday, December 8, 2022

EOTO Presentation Reflection

Awareness Topics Refelction

I was very impressed with the amount of information that I learned and how little I understood about these topics prior to today. The awareness topics presented by group 1 caught my attention in many ways.

I found a lot of the privacy issues such as Total Information Awareness and Five Eyes to be most informative because of how it affects us. There are many things that you do not learn through the media, simply because they may not want you to know. It is important to understand our privacy especially in todays world where technology and social media is used every single day. 

I knew information on propaganda prior to this presentation but was interesting to learn how propaganda has changed and is used in 2022 with technology, social media, mainstream media, advertisements, celebrities, etc. Disinformation uses propaganda with intentions to mislead information, most of the time for their own good. False flag is the use of pinning blame on an opposite party, again for their own good. 

These are important to understand as we move forward into becoming more comprehensive of the information that is being presented to us through different types of media. 

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