Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Anti-War in News

Anti-War in News

    In todays world, mainstream news consists of a lot of war news but we rarely see the side of anti-war news. Unpopular news websites provide us with important information that is crucial to politics especially during wartimes. Anti-War sources contain news and information on countries not wanting to go to war. These news sources are not commonly known and generates the question: "Why is this information not in the mainstream news?" Mainstream news is the most influential and popular news sources that consist of newspapers, television, and radio. However, the mainstream media seems to ignore information that is extremely vital to know as a citizen and voter of the United States of America. Some news sources are biased, however that should not mean that they don't serve their role in giving the public knowledge on affecting issues that are going on today. 

It is possible that we don't see anti-war news in mainstream because they want us to believe that going to war is the only option. Wars can bring political advantages such as economic growth, technological advancements, and victory. 

Most people believe that mainstream media is reliable news. However, the news is biased and tends to make matters more dramatic. Mass media nowadays fights to be most relevant and constant news source so they can be the best. People also believe everything they see and hear and without facts to back it up, the statements in the news are meaningless. To research and feel confident on your knowledge, websites like Anti-War and The American Conservative, provide sides of the story you don't see on the mainstream news. Social media has also become very influential for news and fake news spreads quickly. Which is important not to trust or believe everything you see. 

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